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One free app ‒ millions of cheap flights


Explore your world.

Discover the cheapest flights to any destination with one tap.

You want to travel - you have a budget in mind but don’t know where to go? Problem solved! Discover new places with “Explore” search. Tap on the explore section of the app and select ‘Anywhere’ as your arrival destination when you search for flights and get an overview of great destinations and estimated lowest flight prices. You can filter results by desired time of travel, trip duration, budget and even select to show weekends only. Get an instant overview of most destinations around the world and choose your next adventure!

Get the cheapest prices always.

If we are not the cheapest, we will tell you who is.

Users can compare their options for the same flight and choose where they book—whether it’s directly with budgetfly, the airline, or even from another travel site. Prices come straight from the travel sites to their screen, with no extra fee from budgetfly. In this way our users are guaranteed to get the cheapest prices to any destination all the time.


Powerful search.

A simple search on budgetfly returns results from our multichannel connections to GDS’s, direct airline API connections, 3rd party consolidators but also scans for prices on any number of travel sites in seconds. We gather the best deals from across the web and put them in one place, fast!


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Designed to make flight discovery easy and smooth


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And start exploring your world.
